Broilers should have a feed that has between 22 – 24% digestible crude protein, DCP. You should add 10-20grams each of toxin binder, coccidiostat and growth enhancers like zinc bacitracin. The above feed formula contain metabolisable energy of Kcal/Kg=3038.80, calcium content of 1.19% and crude protein of 21.05%.

Main Feed for Chickens

  • Alfalfa meal (high protein, good for winter)
  • Corn (a mainstay for chickens, store whole)
  • Field peas (for protein, to avoid soybean use)
  • Wheat.
  • Oats and/or barley (less than 15 percent of the total diet together)

A broiler chicken should be fed high protein complete feed. Purina® Meat Bird Feed with 22 percent protein contains targeted amino acids to support rapid growth and help broiler chickens reach market weight efficiently.